Generation Loss is a horror web series by Ranboo. It's organized by multiple "generations," but currently only Gen 1 and gen 0 is out (gen 1 through the twitch vods, gen 0 through the twitter account. I do not have twitter, so i will not be talking about it :,)) Gen 1, aka The Social Experiments, is what completely rewired my brain chemistry. lets get INTO IT
so how does this relate to you?
i like horror. i used to watch ranboo quite a bit. its a good mix.
okay but actually, i watched the vod mostly because i'd heard about genloss being hyped up for a while and i was curious. i was bored, and i wanted something to do. i was not prepared for how much i'd like it. it hits all my favorite beats-- horror, derealization, absolute fucking nonsense, the funnies, banger themes-- i loved it! and then i watched the finale live with my friend and i knew it was going to live in my brain rent free for quite a bit. and it did! it did so much, that i started... a tumblr roleplay. that's right. you thought htis was a genloss shrine? you fool. GCU BEAM


i run the ranboo rp account @generationlosing on tumblr, and my friends run the rest of the accounts in the 'gcu'! together we make the incredibly angsty and fun love letter to generation loss :) it started just with my account, but then hetch joined, and then charlie, and then.. well.. we had a whole universe! here are all the accounts involved :) i will make this site the gcu bible.
- generationlosing - ranboo, run by yours truly
- generationwinning - hetch, run by adl
- generationshowfall - showfall acc/hetch, run by adl + spoon
- 4goo-goobie - charlie, run by rosie
- frankluvr69 - sneeg, run by ari
- mousetraphater - puzzler, run by sherwood
- competichu - niki, run by dalia
- duhduhduhweewee - hater anon, run by robin
- slimetime-goop-goop - stan blog, run by lunar
- public--enemyno1 - (sighs) lust anon*
- proshowfall - showfall apologist anon, run by dalia
*lust anon mod has asked to remain anonymous. it's not a new person, though, have fun guessing which one of us ran that account
there are a few major changes in this au. rgb trio, niki, & the puzzler are all alive and no longer with showfall. ranboo never got crucified on live tv-- he fought back against hetch-- and it wasn't entirely live streamed. (the choices were, i think, but not the full thing.) also they all have tumblr accounts. it takes place over the course of 6-7 months, as it roughly corresponds to real time. there was a hiatus because of tech issues and a questionably canon interlude as a result, though, so don't think too hard about the timeline. also this recap is probably gonna be more ranboo-focused because i'm ranboo and don't feel like pulling up 6 other accounts sorry guys
as actual generation loss does, it starts with ranboo. they make a tumblr account just to have something for themself, but after about 0 minutes hetch gets makes an account and starts being ominous. then charlie and sneeg get accounts as well so they can communicate with each other, since, notably, charlie is using his old showfall phone, which basically has corporate parental lock. he already had a tumblr account made by showfall to advertise the show. this will come up later. remember this. along with that, they live separately for safety
a lot of this era is fucking around. proshowfall is at their peak here, sending hate anons to ranboo and being obviously from twitter. ranboo experiments with origami (at one point making a shitty rat origami, writing showfall on it, and setting it on fire). charlie plays a lot of subway surfers. sneeg works at wafflehouse and is fighting with a rat. anons start playing games with ran. fun stuff!
however, don't be fooled into thinking it's all light-hearted. during all this, there's the ongoing threat of hetch and showfall. showfall had also made an account on tumblr, and had dropped a date for the release of the first episode-- june 26. and here's the thing... remember how charlie's account was made by showfall? well, they had made a queued post for his account- in chracter for the spirit of the cabin. charlie was not aware of this
so when june 26 rolled around, and charlie sees that showfall seemingly posts something on his account.. it doesn't go over well. (panic attack count: 1)
what follows is hetch making it a thousand times worse, ranboo trying to comfort him and charlie having a derealization crisis. and one of the most iconic screenshots from this rp.

ranboo ends up coming over and staying the night. it is.. rough, i tell you. and everything i just described just happened in one month. (june). should i be organizing this by months. this shrine is going to become longer than the bible